Pool Creation
Liquidity is important. Without it, your token can’t be traded. Let’s put it this way. If you aim for your token (base token liquidity) to have at least $10k in liquidity, you'll need a minimum of $5k
Last updated
Liquidity is important. Without it, your token can’t be traded. Let’s put it this way. If you aim for your token (base token liquidity) to have at least $10k in liquidity, you'll need a minimum of $5k
Last updated
Go to Pool Create and make sure you connect your wallet.
Decide on the initial liquidity requirement.
Determine the amount of a compatible token to add to the liquidity pool
Check the overview on the right-hand side, which displays details such as the tokens involved, fees, and the initial price for the created token.
Review the information and ensure it meets your needs.
If satisfied, proceed by clicking on the "create pool" button.
IMPORTANT NOTE: LP Tokens represent the allocation to your pool liquidity. You can either lock them using a token locker or send them to an off-curve wallet address. Do not burn them.
Fluxbeam provides a token locker in the Fluxbeam Dex Tooling.