Fee Manager
If you've created a V2 Token with the Transfer Fees Token Extension enabled, this is the place where you can retrieve the fees collected from your tokens in a more user-friendly manner.
Last updated
If you've created a V2 Token with the Transfer Fees Token Extension enabled, this is the place where you can retrieve the fees collected from your tokens in a more user-friendly manner.
Last updated
You will need to set a custom RPC to use this tool.
You can set your RPC provider in your Fluxbeam settings.
Go to Fee Manager and make sure you connect your wallet.
Enter or Paste the mint address of your token.
Clicking "Get Accounts" is like searching to find associated accounts.
Harvest allows you to harvest withheld amount to the mint account.
Clicking βClaim Tokensβ allows you to claim said fees collected.
Confirm the transactions on your Solana wallet.