🌊Pool API

The FluxBeam Pool API allows developers to quickly and easily integrate the creation of pools within their platform.

Create Pool


import { Connection, Keypair, VersionedTransaction } from '@solana/web3.js';

const form = {
	payer: "", 	  // Wallet address of the payer
	tokenA: "", 	  // Token A Mint
	tokenB: "", 	  // Token B Mint
	tokenAAmount: "", // Token A Liquidity Amount
	tokenBAmount: ""  // Token B Liquidity Amount

const resp = await (
	await fetch(`https://api.fluxbeam.xyz/v1/token_pools`, {
		method: 'POST',
		headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
		body: JSON.stringify({
			"payer": form.payer,
			"token_a": form.tokenA,
			"token_b": .form.tokenB,
			"token_a_amount": form.tokenAAmount,
			"token_b_amount": form.tokenBAmount

console.log("Pool Address:", resp.pool)

//Decode the transaction from base64
const swapTransactionBuf = Buffer.from(resp.transaction, 'base64');
const transaction = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(swapTransactionBuf);


//Sign the transaction with the payer wallet

//Execute the transaction
const client= new Connection('{RPC_URL}');
const sig = client.sendRawTransaction(transaction.serialize(), {maxRetries: 3, skipPreflight: true})

console.log("Transaction Signature:", sig)

Last updated